Returning to SA-MP Scripting - Questions

Like the title mentions, I am returning to SA-MP scripting after almost a two year hiatus. I just had a few question questions.

1. Last time I was scripting, ZCMD was the most efficient command type. Is it still?

2. What is the most efficient file-saving method right now?

3. Any other tips/includes you would like to give to me?

y_commands are faster on big amont of commands...

Y_ini or SQLLittle

Welcome back that my tip for you Nice to see you back

I am very glad to be back - I see the community is growing and the development team has been very busy. I will look into Y_ini, thank you.

ZCMD is still being used a lot, however it depends on your needs.
YCMD is much more flexible and is compatible with YSI, besides that its also very fast (you can see comparisons in y_commands thread).

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