[FilterScript] [FS] /Taze command for Cops

Hello, ive been creating a game mode and whilst doing it i couldnt find nothing to do with a taze command, so i decided to create a FS, this is my first FS and hope its useful ,

How to use:

You need to change MY_TEAM on the OnPlayerCommandText to the team you want to behable to use it,
You must also define the team in the FS, im not sure how to make it work otherwise.

PWN: http://pastebin.com/d64a69809

Updates : If there is anything you would like to change just ask,

I could make a cop filterscript with /taze /cuff /uncuff /detain /jail etc.. if people are interessted please reply and i can do it


Good idea for noobie scripters like me(lol) seriously. tho rite now im lookin for a job filterscript :-/

i could make a job script gimme some job ideas

Nate660's JobFilterScript


i got a question, why is there alot of returns 1; when you haven't added anything in there, why don't u just delete the whole sections with nothing in it?

Originally Posted by [CRP
Hmm nope tried to dld 0.3 or w\e it ws and dint work out mate

Originally Posted by harland_max
i could make a job script gimme some job ideas
Hmm cud u? gr8 if ya cud cuz i need 1... i have few ideas. and like, rcon admin cud set them as the job or smting?
Cop:- with ur alredy made cop cmds rite there.. and cud be /911 for calling cops and says where they are maybe?(eg. commerce, ganton)
Army:- /naval for naval base.. /area51 for area51 base... /wd or /wdead for making crim wanted DEAD... /disarm for disarming.. /trespass for warning them for trespassing.. and /mr for Military radio? cool if ya cud make dat
Taxi:- People cud use /calltaxi for calling taxi.. taxi guys cud use /isdriver for announcin they r driva.. /notdriver for not being driver..
Dealers: /selldrugs id grams(like $50 for each gram) and other person can do /aoffer for accepting drug offer
Bartender:- cud do smting like /sellbeer id and ppl can do /abeer to accept offer maybe.. $40 a beer..\
Guards:- /guard id cashyouwant for sending an offer to the guy.. and /abguard for accepting bodyguard...
Car Dealers:- Just get random cars and sell by /sellcar id cash and they do /acar to accept.
And you know, think of stuf :P

Could be nice to keep it simple so its still just an addon to a CaR gamemode. So the commands could be like: /taze, /cuff, /uncuff, /detain,/sc

/sc for sending a msg to a player that says like: Stop the car or deadly force will be used!

pastebin link doesn't work! reupload plz!

Yeah plz upload it somewheres else.

plz upload it somewheres else.

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