Need help,

I have a vps and i want to host a sa-mp server. I have uploaded the server files with FileZilla on the FTP server. But when i try to start the server it won't open. It says "server shutting down" for some reasons on the chat log. I don't know why? My hosting company only supports so i am using Linux server pack. Here is my code

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[08:41:06] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[08:41:06] Server Plugins
[08:41:06] --------------
[08:41:06]  Loading plugin:
[08:41:06]   Loaded.
[08:41:06]  Loading plugin:

[08:41:06]  ===============================

[08:41:06]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[08:41:06]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[08:41:06]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[08:41:06]  ===============================

[08:41:06]   Loaded.
[08:41:06]  Loading plugin:
[08:41:06]  ==================
[08:41:06]   Whirlpool loaded
[08:41:06]  ==================
[08:41:06]   Loaded.
[08:41:06]  Loaded 3 plugins.

[08:41:06] Filterscripts
[08:41:06] ---------------
[08:41:06]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[08:41:06] crashdetect: Loaded symbols from gamemodes/attdef.amx
[08:41:06]  ======================================= 
[08:41:06]  |                                     | 
[08:41:06]  |        YSI version 1.06.0002        | 
[08:41:06]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[08:41:06]  |                                     | 
[08:41:06]  ======================================= 
[08:41:06] OnGameo
[08:41:06] Hostname: ..<<=||=>>..[ES] Elite Survivors : Attack Defence Server [0.3x].
[08:41:06] >> Loaded 67 Bases <<
[08:41:06] >> Loaded 79 Arenas <<
[08:41:06] >> Loaded 13 DMs <<
[08:41:06] Server Config Loaded.
[08:41:06] Number of vehicle models: 0
[08:41:06] __________________________________________________
[08:41:06] ** United Army Anti-Cheat is on the most up-to-date version!
[08:41:06] __________________________________________________
[08:41:09] --- Server Shutting Down.
Can anyone tell why this happens?

Check your script for any rcon exit commands inside it. It looks like your gamemode shutting itself down.


[08:41:06] OnGameo

There is some problem with your streamer, check it.

@TheSka - But my GM doesn't uses streamer. , @Sithis - can you tell me what is the problem because i didn't find any rcon exit commands inside it.

Someone else to help me?

Originally Posted by DarkShade705
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@TheSka - But my GM doesn't uses streamer. , @Sithis - can you tell me what is the problem because i didn't find any rcon exit commands inside it.

Someone else to help me?
Post your code, especially the OnGameModeInit() and main() routines.

Add in nativechecker, and post the plugin's debug info here

I use crashdetect plugin and my friend says that "crashdetect: Loaded symbols from gamemodes/attdef.amx" this line is the problem. Any ideas on fixing this?

Crashdetect messes up on linux, remove it and then try.

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