18.08.2010, 21:16
What is 'AirWars' ?
AirWars is a DeathMatch GameMode, where Players fight with Planes and Helicopters.
• There are 3 Languages: English, German, Turkish.
• You can't use T and write something, you must write /chat, choose a Text and the Text will sent.
Player A is German and will write something; he writes /chat and choose "KANN ICH SPIELEN?" (German). Player can only English and Player C only Turkish. All Players will get the Text "Kann ich Spielen?" only in their own Language. You can Change this in the GameMode (with the Variable Toggle_Multilangual_Chat) and InGame (with cmd /togmchat).
What to do InGame
There are 11-12 Hydra's and 4 Hunters InGame.
You must choose your Pilot (Skin) and spawn.
You'll spawn in front of the Airport. You have 100 HP and 100% Armour (you can change this on the Top of your Script).
You must enter a Hydra and fight.
But note that if you kill any Player wich haven't a Hydra, you'll get warned, and if you kill anyone again you'll be kicked.
If you have a Score over 15 (you can change this on the Top of the Script, too), you can use one of the Hydra's.
All CMDs are listed in /help - /hilfe - /yardim
Show AirWars.pwn - pastebin.com
Download AirWars - The New Pilots.rar - iFile
Download AirWars - The New Pilots.rar - SendSpace
By FoxHound|PSPgamer|Gцkhan Akin :>
Have fun!
(Sorry for my bad English)