21.02.2013, 19:38
Последний раз редактировалось AnDrew.; 18.05.2013 в 23:54.
Причина: added pictures
Doherty & Area 69 & Pershing Square get the most explosions at once..The bots are synced so good they almost collide with each other at some points
They are not synced perfectly(obviously) if they were the explosions wouldn't look right it would look to set-up. This way it looks semi-real. Doherty & Area 69 & Pershing Square get the most explosions at once..The bots are synced so good they almost collide with each other at some points
Soon to be released>I added an extra pair of hydras. That means 2 synced hydras would following the other 4 on the same routes,synced. This would give a total of 6 hydras..Its pretty crazy with 6 bombing one area at once..If you want the extra's send me a pm and i will give you them.
A test server will soon be setup to see 6 going on at one time.