Get Modulo from division

I hope you understand what is Modulo. It is what is remaining after we divide values. For example: when 10 divided by 5 we get value 2, and modulo is 0. But if 10 divided by 3 we get value 3 and a modulo is 1, because 3*3=9, 10-9 = 1

So i need to find some operator in pawn which could divide values with modulo to get that modulo. I found in ****** that there is an operator % for this, but if i do it, i get error:

error 004: function "operator%(Float:,Float:)" is not implemented
What to do?

It should work!
pawn Код:
for(new i; i< 10; i++)
      if(i%2 == 0) printf("%d", i);
      else continue;
For example, this will print all numbers within ten divisible by 2 ! See if your usage is correct.

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