05.03.2013, 15:47
Olб! Vim pedir ajuda para o Sistema de Bans do meu servidor.
Eu queria por para quando um jogador fosse banido aparece-se uma mensagem a dizer "O jogador "nome" foi Banido do servidor!".
Deixo-vos aqui o sistema de bans que eu uso:
Eu queria por para quando um jogador fosse banido aparece-se uma mensagem a dizer "O jogador "nome" foi Banido do servidor!".
Deixo-vos aqui o sistema de bans que eu uso:
#include <a_samp> #include <a_http> #include <zcmd> // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Please fill in your API key here, you can obtain an API key from // http://www.samp-bans.com/page/registernl...34639759// ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define APIKEY yourkey // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Do not edit below here unless you know what you're doing! // ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define APIPATH "www.samp-bans.com/api.php" #define MAX_API_LENGTH 38 #define MAX_PLAYER_IP 15 #define MAX_REASON_LENGTH 50 #define MAX_EXTRA_LENGTH 63 #define MAX_TIME_LENGTH 5 #define MAX_POST_LENGTH MAX_API_LENGTH+MAX_PLAYER_IP+MAX_REASON_LENGTH+MAX_EXTRA_LENGTH+MAX_TIME_LENGTH+MAX_PLAYER_NAME+MAX_PLAYER_NAME #define COLOR_RED 0xFF0000FF forward OnBanResponse(index, response_code, data[]); forward OnRemoveResponse(index, response_code, data[]); forward OnCheckResponse(index, response_code, data[]); new post_string[MAX_POST_LENGTH]; new ban_reason[MAX_REASON_LENGTH], ban_target, ban_time, names[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_PLAYER_NAME], ips[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_PLAYER_IP], error[12], code[128]; public OnFilterScriptInit() { return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { GetPlayerIp(playerid, ips[playerid], MAX_PLAYER_IP); GetPlayerName(playerid, names[playerid], MAX_PLAYER_NAME); CheckBan(playerid); return 1; } stock CheckBan(playerid) { format(post_string, sizeof(post_string), "action=checkip&apikey="#APIKEY"&ban_ip=%s", ips[playerid]); HTTP(playerid, HTTP_POST, APIPATH, post_string, "OnCheckResponse"); return 1; } COMMAND:ban(playerid, params[]) { if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: You need to be logged in as an RCON administrator to perform this!"); if(sscanf(params, "uis", ban_target, ban_time, ban_reason)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BAN]: Correct usage -> /ban <player> <time (minutes)> <reason>"); if(!IsPlayerConnected(ban_target)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: Player was not found!"); if(ban_time < 0) SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: Please input a valid ban time!"); format(post_string, sizeof(post_string), "action=addban&apikey="#APIKEY"&ban_user=%s&ban_reason=%s&ban_admin=%s&ban_ip=%s&ban_time=%d",names[ban_target], ban_reason, names[playerid], ips[ban_target], ban_time); HTTP(playerid, HTTP_POST, APIPATH, post_string, "OnBanResponse"); Kick(ban_target); return 1; } COMMAND:unbanbyip(playerid, params[]) { if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: You need to be logged in as an RCON administrator to perform this!"); if(isnull(params) || strlen(params) > MAX_PLAYER_IP) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: Correct usage -> /unbanbyip <ip address>"); format(post_string, sizeof(post_string), "action=remip&apikey="#APIKEY"&ban_ip=%s", params); HTTP(playerid, HTTP_POST, APIPATH, post_string, "OnRemoveResponse"); return 1; } COMMAND:unbanbyname(playerid, params[]) { if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: You need to be logged in as an RCON administrator to perform this!"); if(isnull(params) || strlen(params) > MAX_PLAYER_NAME) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "[SAMP-BANS]: Correct usage -> /unbanbyname <name>"); format(post_string, sizeof(post_string), "action=remname&apikey="#APIKEY"&ban_name=%s&expired=true", params); HTTP(playerid, HTTP_POST, APIPATH, post_string, "OnRemoveResponse"); return 1; } public OnBanResponse(index, response_code, data[]) { if(response_code == 200) if(strcmp(data, "Success?Ban added", true)) printf("[SAMP-BANS]: Error, API responded with: %s", data); else SendClientMessage(index, 0xFFFFFF, "The ban was added"); else printf("[SAMP-BANS]: Encountered an error, the page didn't respond"); } public OnRemoveResponse(index, response_code, data[]) { if(response_code == 200) { if(sscanf(data, "p?ss", error, code)) printf("[SAMP-BANS]: Error, API responded with: %s", data); else if(strcmp(error, "Success", true) == 0) SendClientMessage(index, COLOR_RED, code); } else printf("[SAMP-BANS]: Encountered an error, the page didn't respond"); } public OnCheckResponse(index, response_code, data[]) { if(response_code == 200) { if(sscanf(data, "p?ss", error, code)) printf("[SAMP-BANS]: Error, API responded with: %s", data); else if(strcmp(error, "Success", true) == 0) { SendClientMessage(index, 0xFFFFFF, code); Kick(index); printf("[SAMP-BANS]: %s", code); } else if(strcmp(code, "Ban not found")) printf("[SAMP-BANS]: Error, API responded with: %s", code); } else printf("[SAMP-BANS]: Encountered an error, the page didn't respond"); } stock sscanf(string[], format[], {Float,_}:...) { #if defined isnull if (isnull(string)) #else if (string[0] == 0 || (string[0] == 1 && string[1] == 0)) #endif { return format[0]; } #pragma tabsize 4 new formatPos = 0, stringPos = 0, paramPos = 2, paramCount = numargs(), delim = ' '; while (string[stringPos] && string[stringPos] <= ' ') { stringPos++; } while (paramPos < paramCount && string[stringPos]) { switch (format[formatPos++]) { case '\0': { return 0; } case 'i', 'd': { new neg = 1, num = 0, ch = string[stringPos]; if (ch == '-') { neg = -1; ch = string[++stringPos]; } do { stringPos++; if ('0' <= ch <= '9') { num = (num * 10) + (ch - '0'); } else { return -1; } } while ((ch = string[stringPos]) > ' ' && ch != delim); setarg(paramPos, 0, num * neg); } case 'h', 'x': { new num = 0, ch = string[stringPos]; do { stringPos++; switch (ch) { case 'x', 'X': { num = 0; continue; } case '0' .. '9': { num = (num << 4) | (ch - '0'); } case 'a' .. 'f': { num = (num << 4) | (ch - ('a' - 10)); } case 'A' .. 'F': { num = (num << 4) | (ch - ('A' - 10)); } default: { return -1; } } } while ((ch = string[stringPos]) > ' ' && ch != delim); setarg(paramPos, 0, num); } case 'c': { setarg(paramPos, 0, string[stringPos++]); } case 'f': { new changestr[16], changepos = 0, strpos = stringPos; while(changepos < 16 && string[strpos] && string[strpos] != delim) { changestr[changepos++] = string[strpos++]; } changestr[changepos] = '\0'; setarg(paramPos,0,_:floatstr(changestr)); } case 'p': { delim = format[formatPos++]; continue; } case '\'': { new end = formatPos - 1, ch; while ((ch = format[++end]) && ch != '\'') {} if (!ch) { return -1; } format[end] = '\0'; if ((ch = strfind(string, format[formatPos], false, stringPos)) == -1) { if (format[end + 1]) { return -1; } return 0; } format[end] = '\''; stringPos = ch + (end - formatPos); formatPos = end + 1; } case 'u': { new end = stringPos - 1, id = 0, bool:num = true, ch; while ((ch = string[++end]) && ch != delim) { if (num) { if ('0' <= ch <= '9') { id = (id * 10) + (ch - '0'); } else { num = false; } } } if (num && IsPlayerConnected(id)) { setarg(paramPos, 0, id); } else { #if !defined foreach #define foreach(%1,%2) for (new %2 = 0; %2 < MAX_PLAYERS; %2++) if (IsPlayerConnected(%2)) #define __SSCANF_FOREACH__ #endif string[end] = '\0'; num = false; new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; id = end - stringPos; foreach (Player, playerid) { GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof (name)); if (!strcmp(name, string[stringPos], true, id)) { setarg(paramPos, 0, playerid); num = true; break; } } if (!num) { setarg(paramPos, 0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID); } string[end] = ch; #if defined __SSCANF_FOREACH__ #undef foreach #undef __SSCANF_FOREACH__ #endif } stringPos = end; } case 's', 'z': { new i = 0, ch; if (format[formatPos]) { while ((ch = string[stringPos++]) && ch != delim) { setarg(paramPos, i++, ch); } if (!i) { return -1; } } else { while ((ch = string[stringPos++])) { setarg(paramPos, i++, ch); } } stringPos--; setarg(paramPos, i, '\0'); } default: { continue; } } while (string[stringPos] && string[stringPos] != delim && string[stringPos] > ' ') { stringPos++; } while (string[stringPos] && (string[stringPos] == delim || string[stringPos] <= ' ')) { stringPos++; } paramPos++; } do { if ((delim = format[formatPos++]) > ' ') { if (delim == '\'') { while ((delim = format[formatPos++]) && delim != '\'') {} } else if (delim != 'z') { return delim; } } } while (delim > ' '); return 0; }