Problem with timer


I got some problem with my timer in my FS...

Every thing looks like it should do... And I've tierd alot but I couldn't figure it out...

Anyway the timer goes to a moveObject

If it makes any sence..

I get this error:

Function heading differs from prototype..

Error 025

The error means, that when you defined it you maybe put less or more parameters then needed.

for Example:
pawn Код:
forward Something(playerid, weaponid);

public Something(playerid, weaponid, vehicleid) // the problem is that, as you can see there are more parameters here then their is in the forward declaration.
      // something here
Hope this helps

If you entered something like public OnPlayerConnect(vehicleid), which is wrong, you would get this error.

Okay thanks I just used MoveObject there.. Will it work... ??. I've never had problem with timers before..

give the code.

I solved it now thanks alot anyway! I just forgot one thing in the forward.

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