01.01.2013, 03:58
Last edited by navroopsingh; 01/01/2013 at 05:45 AM.
Hi, Everyone I am a new scripter, so i getting so bored and i have made a VIP System! It has like 15-20 commands and its so much fun! It works on 0.3e and i am not sure about other versions of
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <sscanf>
#include <YSI/y_ini>
and we have common command in our VIP System like If you want to make your self vip just go to scriptfiles > NVIP > your name and change the setting, and if you want to make someone else VIP just type /makevip ID LEVEL. This VIP system have 3 levels.
DOWNLOAD - http://pastebin.com/xS7VNa0J
Check out /vcommands to get your commands!
Sorry for no pics/videos
If you find any mistakes forgive me cause i am a new scripter.
DOWNLOAD - http://pastebin.com/xS7VNa0J
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <sscanf>
#include <YSI/y_ini>
and we have common command in our VIP System like If you want to make your self vip just go to scriptfiles > NVIP > your name and change the setting, and if you want to make someone else VIP just type /makevip ID LEVEL. This VIP system have 3 levels.
DOWNLOAD - http://pastebin.com/xS7VNa0J
Check out /vcommands to get your commands!
Sorry for no pics/videos
If you find any mistakes forgive me cause i am a new scripter.
DOWNLOAD - http://pastebin.com/xS7VNa0J