29.07.2009, 17:11
I made a very own register/login script but I experience a problem. It works, but when I disconnect and connect to server back again, cash is gone, although it is saved in the scriptfiles on player's account. Same applies to score, but weirdly, its under /mystats, and isnt on TAB. Yes, it should be like that, but why isnt it on TAB? Below, I want to tell PAWNO to save the cash, Is that public below correct? And what do I need to add to tell it to save the cash and score.
I made a very own register/login script but I experience a problem. It works, but when I disconnect and connect to server back again, cash is gone, although it is saved in the scriptfiles on player's account. Same applies to score, but weirdly, its under /mystats, and isnt on TAB. Yes, it should be like that, but why isnt it on TAB? Below, I want to tell PAWNO to save the cash, Is that public below correct? And what do I need to add to tell it to save the cash and score.
new LogOff[MAX_PLAYERS]; public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { OnPlayerUpdate(playerid); if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(LogOff[playerid]) { } } } return 1; }