`./samp03svr': No such file or directory

All fixed after installing a crapload of random different things

After having some trouble regarding plugins on Debian, I moved to CentOS..
But after downloading SA-MP, extracting, etc.. I get the following error when trying to run the server:

`./samp03svr': No such file or directory

Using command:

nohup ./samp03svr &

But if I do 'ls' then I get this output:

LICENSE announce gamemodes nohup.out samp-npc scriptfiles
README filterscripts include npcmodes samp03svr server.cfg

It's quite clear I'm doing something wrong, but I can't see it :P

Did you locate the directory using "cd". If so, make sure that "samp03svr" is able to be executed, after you have set the permissions for that try once again to use "./samp03svr &" and it should work perfectly fine. If it doesn't, then you've done something wrong that I don't even see.

download the linux/windows server form here www.sa-mp.com and add your server things to this folder what did you downloaded, only the gamemode,FS, Scriptfiles, plugins etc only folders, and try then

Rep me if i helped

^Ignore the above reply and do this :

cd samp03
and then

nohup ./samp03svr &

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