No Health Bar

Hello Guys. Im playing SA-MP About a year and my problem is that i dont see any health bars. This is really annoying and i did reinstall the game and SA-MP too. I play on a virtual machine called Parallels, but i dont think this will cause this bug.

I hope you know any fixes and thanks.


May you can Delete the sa-mp Version 0.3e and download it again?
Or try to download all GTA may there is a deleted file
if i help you then +Rep


I did uninstall SA-MP by the SaMp Uninstall exe and did download the newest SA MP by the offical Homepage.
Its still the same problem but i think it didnt uninstall everything because my favorite Servers are still at SA MP Launcher.

servers still in favorites bec servers saved in the database.
ABOUT THE PROBLEM: I think that you have to delete all GTA and redownload it read waht i said at da top......

IIRC back in the day, losing bars was a sure-fire sign that your video drivers were screwed up. I _think_ it was an ATI thing, but this was years ago.

When did this start happening, and if it just started...did you update anything in Mac OS related to Parallels, BIOS update etc etc?

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