Need help with This!!

Hello i realy need help with this problem when i update my streamer i get this errors (I have the latest include files)

C:\Users\showarn\Desktop\Alexrp\gamemodes\ERP.pwn(16943) : error 017: undefined symbol "distance"
C:\Users\showarn\Desktop\Alexrp\gamemodes\ERP.pwn(16943) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\showarn\Desktop\Alexrp\gamemodes\ERP.pwn(16943) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
C:\Users\showarn\Desktop\Alexrp\gamemodes\ERP.pwn(16943) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\showarn\Desktop\Alexrp\gamemodes\ERP.pwn(16943) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

		HouseInfo[iIndex][hTextID] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(szFileStr, COLOR_GREEN, HouseInfo[iIndex][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[iIndex][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[iIndex][hExteriorZ]+0.5,30.0, .testlos = 1, .distance = 30.0);
i found this wich solves the error but is it the right way to solve it? i just changed Distance to Streamdistance

		HouseInfo[iIndex][hTextID] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(szFileStr, COLOR_GREEN, HouseInfo[iIndex][hExteriorX], HouseInfo[iIndex][hExteriorY], HouseInfo[iIndex][hExteriorZ]+0.5,30.0, .testlos = 1, .streamdistance = 30.0);

I honestly don't think you NEED the actual words "testlos" and "streamdistance" but I'm not sure how that function is written. You should be able to get away with just 1,30.0);

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