
I can`t find error can anyone help me?
pawn Код:
COMMAND:ginfo(playerid, params[])
    new string[300];
    format(string,sizeof(string),"{FFFFFF}Groups are made for better fun on our server.We now think it will be better.\n\
    {FFD900}/grc (/groupcreate)   {FFFFFF}- This command makes groups.\n\
    {FFD900}/gri (/groupinvite)   {FFFFFF}- This command is inviting player to your group.\n\
    {FFD900}/grlead (groupleader) {FFFFFF}- This command is changing leader of group.\n\
    {FFD900}/grj (/groupjoin)     {FFFFFF}- If you are invited you will use this command.\n\
    {FFD900}/grk (/groupkick)     {FFFFFF}- This command is kicking member from your group.\n\
    {FFD900}/grl (/groupleave)    {FFFFFF}- This command is leaving you from current group.\n\
    {FFD900}/gm (/groupmessage)   {FFFFFF}- This command is for chatting just with group members.\n\
    {FFD900}/grlist (/grouplist)  {FFFFFF}- This command is giving you information how many groups are made."
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1112,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{FFFFFF}Group Informations",string,"Ok","");
    return 1;
D:\SA-MP Server Stuff\SA-MP Server\filterscripts\GroupMYSQL.pwn(208) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)
D:\SA-MP Server Stuff\SA-MP Server\filterscripts\GroupMYSQL.pwn(209) : error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string)
D:\SA-MP Server Stuff\SA-MP Server\filterscripts\GroupMYSQL.pwn(209) : error 017: undefined symbol "FFFFFF"
D:\SA-MP Server Stuff\SA-MP Server\filterscripts\GroupMYSQL.pwn(209) : warning 217: loose indentation
D:\SA-MP Server Stuff\SA-MP Server\filterscripts\GroupMYSQL.pwn(209) : error 017: undefined symbol "Groups"
D:\SA-MP Server Stuff\SA-MP Server\filterscripts\GroupMYSQL.pwn(209) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

5 Errors.

Try making all those text in one line and increase the string.

There is to many characters in that string.. You need to for example format it several times, each time appending the previously formatted string

You can use strcat ...

Originally Posted by Viniborn
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You can use strcat ...
I used strcat and now it`s working fine thanks

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