
Hey guys can someone help me with giveplayermoney only rcon can give an CMD: or Onplayercommandtext please

pawn Код:
CMD:givemoney(playerid, params[])
    new targetid, ammount;
    if(sscanf(params,"ui", targetid, ammount)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFF,"Syntax error.Correct usage: /givemoney [PlayerID] [Ammount]");
    if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFF,"Error: This command is only for RCON Admins");
    if(!IsPlayerConnected(targetid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFF,"That player is not connected to your server!");
    GivePlayerMoney(targetid, ammount);
    return 1;
You need to do /givemoney playerid amount for it to work

first: No works logged in as rcon did /givemoney
Second: i didnt see if i only type /giveplayer money i dont see the other things
third: he dont give cash??
help please

1. Did you add this cmd to your gamemode?
2. Is it inside a callback?
3. Have you included sscanf?
4. is sscanf the latest version?

i did under new files then i have sscanf2 and yes under CMD gamemode

i got any thing

please no works

The command he gave you should work, your problem is that you don't understand much from what we say.

no i understand but can it no works becuse dunoo i dont have than cmd Please help

lol, gtakillerIV is correct, you kind of are losing sight of the aim of your topic; the first reply had your answer, but unfortunately your lack of skill/understanding in scripting renders it useless; so I advise either to start learning how to script or hire someone to do so for you.

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