Pickup's refuse to show

I am scripting a few pickups on a server..
I started off testing my code on mainland, that all went fine, pickups shown, etc.
But when I moved the pickup coordinates to an island (which is where they need to be)
the pickup's stopped showing completely, I have tried everything I can think of but they never show where they should!
Does anyone know why this could be?

pawn Код:
CreatePickup(objectid, 1, 6870.45, -1868.23, 11.2848, -1);
(objectid is defined further up but that's not the problem either)

I have tried changing the Z coord and stuff, they all work fine on mainland just not the island.

Did U add Anything On OnPlayerPickUpPickUp? If Yes Thn Please Show Us The Code

Not even using that callback, just creating the pickup for now.


Check if you have a different virtual world for that island, if so, make sure you replace the "-1" in the end of the function.

try to use :

new pick01;
pick01 = CreatePickup(objectid, 1, 6870.45, -1868.23, 11.2848, -1);

Originally Posted by yusei
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try to use :

new pick01;
pick01 = CreatePickup(objectid, 1, 6870.45, -1868.23, 11.2848, -1);
This is my full code:
pawn Код:
new house = 1272; // theres actually a ternary operator here but i'll just put this for you
Pickup = CreatePickup(house, 1, 6870.45, -1868.23, 11.2848, -1);

new Pickup; // Create a variable to store the pickup ID out of  OnGameModeInit

new house = 1272; 
Pickup = CreatePickup(house, 1, 6870.45, -1868.23, 11.2848, -1);

That's not the problem as like I said, it worked on mainland .. and the most important part, I'm already doing that.

I recommend you to use this plugin https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=102865 for this kinds of stuff ...
CreateDynamicPickup(modelid, type, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:streamdistance = 100.0);

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