04.10.2012, 19:54
This website and its host contains ALMOST ALL of the most popular scams you will find online. Scan through these directories and find some interesting things that give it away right away to the trained eye.
Also, at the bottom of all the web pages contained in these directories....
it states that everything contained in the page is fake, and that if you buy the product and get scammed it is your fault for not reading the terms and conditions.
So... this is basically a failsafe and why they haven't been busted in the past. Sad, eh? People like these are robbing old people and people that aren't computer savvy of a lot of money.
EDIT: For idiots: DON'T FALL FOR ANYTHING IN THIS. This warning is so the mods don't delete this topic or edit out the links contained.
Also, at the bottom of all the web pages contained in these directories....
it states that everything contained in the page is fake, and that if you buy the product and get scammed it is your fault for not reading the terms and conditions.
So... this is basically a failsafe and why they haven't been busted in the past. Sad, eh? People like these are robbing old people and people that aren't computer savvy of a lot of money.
EDIT: For idiots: DON'T FALL FOR ANYTHING IN THIS. This warning is so the mods don't delete this topic or edit out the links contained.