

Is there somebody who ever worked with SQLite Database Browser 2.0.
Because in my opinion it's the worse program I ever used,
First, when you have a table it looks nice, but then I decide to create a new column, so you click on add column.
You enter the name and the type of the field.
But then the shit happends, it creates a column at the top of the table, but I want it below another column and not at the top. So it seems this isn't possible and you have to create the totaly table from scratch because it doesn't allow you to move column up en down, then I'm asking myself, how can somebody be that stupid to create a program like this.

So next thing I do I try to add it with a query, so I click at the tab query, then I insert the query, next thing it does ,it just get stuck and I have to restart the program, it seems they never finished the query tab...

So I search for another editor, but it seems they are all fucked and don't work for shit.

Why there isn't something like phpmyadmin for SQLite, because this is the only editor that I know that is workable.

If somebody know a better editor or know how to move fields up and down in SQLite Database Browser 2.0 then I really like you, and because you guys get happy when you get respects, I will give you a respect if you slove this problem.

Yea but in this program it list them horizontal lol,
And yea it is true that it doesn't really matter, and if I had 5 colums I didn't care.
But I have like 50 columns and still getting more, and it is confusing if it isn't ordered a bit, for exmpale the primary key (ID) , I want this to be at the start, just because i don't want it to look like a chaos...
But i think I already found another editor, that I'm going to test now.

Anyway thanks..

SQLite Expert Personal is working better for me, it has more options and it looks cleaner... So I guess this topic is sloved.

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