01.11.2012, 23:08
Hey all, this is a follow up to my previous thread, sorry if I was being a bit of a dick, had a hard day today. Didn't want to give out a wrong impression.
Okay so I decided that you were all right and my site was not as good as it could have been so I went with a darker theme which seems to be more popular among hosts. Oh also another thing, this is not a advertisement as what is the point in putting your design up and asking for opinions on a design then everybody say it sucks? When ultimately the design is what makes a business appealing to you and letting everybody take the piss is just going to make people hate your business. That is why there is no link this time, just an image so here:

Thanks alot, please give constructive critcism -Howelley
Okay so I decided that you were all right and my site was not as good as it could have been so I went with a darker theme which seems to be more popular among hosts. Oh also another thing, this is not a advertisement as what is the point in putting your design up and asking for opinions on a design then everybody say it sucks? When ultimately the design is what makes a business appealing to you and letting everybody take the piss is just going to make people hate your business. That is why there is no link this time, just an image so here:

Thanks alot, please give constructive critcism -Howelley