custom.img file checking


I have a custom.img file with a few mods made by me. There are just a few objects (10-20) but I have 2 or 3 teleports where the player must have that custom.img file to acces them (if they do not have it they will just fall and see nothing special).

Is there any way I can check if the player has it? I saw this on a server, so I think it is, now the question is how.. ?
Thanks in advance!

Yes, you can do that with a plugin!

Put players on one of your solid custom objects, in the sky. Check Z coord after 1 second. If it's decreased by more than 10 from the locatoin of the object, then the player most likely doens't have your file (falling down).

No its not possible brother, not with any plugin also

I think Vince's method will work fine.

Yeah Vince's method will work, I already tried it.
By the way, + for idea : >

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