13.09.2012, 19:46
rAdmin - System of Administrator
Well, that was posted in the area filterscript Portuguese (Brazil).
He was created by me, of course is in Portuguese.
And a filterscript in a way easy to use.
It contains many commands ...
I am posting here, to make a presentation,
and of course, put the download for those who are akin to translate it.
I do not know much English so I am using ****** Translate to create this topic!
Use includes:
DOF2, Thanks Double-O-Seven
zcmd, Thanks Zeex.
sscanf, Thanks Y_Lees
a_samp. Thanks SA-MP Team
The FilterScript contains 2000 lines.
Watch the video for version 1.0:
Watch the video for version 1.2:
View photos from version 1.5:Contains no video.

Sorry the pictures are in Portuguese. )=
This was posted in the area filterscript Portuguese.
There contains more photos and information!
Original Topic: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=364554
I recommend seeing the original topic,
and use the ****** translator to translate the sentences.
And pay attention to what is necessary to stop using FilterScript.
Well that's it, I will put download the latest version, which in this case is 1.5.
For whoever wants to see the interior versions, go to the original topic.
@Riichard/Me - Creator FilterScript
BreakDriFT - Helper, Tests.
Thanks to the creators of includes. (=
- Pastebin Download
Sorry to be posting without translating.
When I'm on time, I'll translate filterscript
for you to use / read / see better.
Any errors, please.
Add me on skype to let me know or if you do not have account,
send me a private message (pm) me explaining the error.
And if you can, in Portuguese, or if I do not even translate.
That's it, make your comment.
Sub gradiente: [Full]Garfield[XDB]