11.09.2012, 15:09
Here is my Rules TextDraw; and every time I type /rules the client crashes...whats the problem..Am I using color codes beyond the 255th character? or is it something else..Please help
RULESText=TextDrawCreate(223, 204, "HnB FunServer Rules:~N~~N~ ~B~- ~R~Do not use ANY cheats or mods.~N~ ~B~- ~R~Do not Quit/Pause to avoid death. Respect All Players and Admins.~N~ - DO NOT TELEPORT TO AVOID DEATH FOR ANY REASON OR YOU WILL BE BANNED~N~ Advertising is not allowed.Also remember: NO MODS ALLOWED; Use common sense, don't be an asshole, and have fun!");
TextDrawAlignment(RULESText, 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(RULESText, 0x000000FF);
TextDrawFont(RULESText, 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(RULESText, 0.150000, 0.800000);
TextDrawSetShadow(RULESText, 0);
TextDrawSetOutline(RULESText, 1);
TextDrawTextSize(RULESText, 200.000000, 18.000000);
TextDrawUseBox(RULESText, 1);
RULESText=TextDrawCreate(223, 204, "HnB FunServer Rules:~N~~N~ ~B~- ~R~Do not use ANY cheats or mods.~N~ ~B~- ~R~Do not Quit/Pause to avoid death. Respect All Players and Admins.~N~ - DO NOT TELEPORT TO AVOID DEATH FOR ANY REASON OR YOU WILL BE BANNED~N~ Advertising is not allowed.Also remember: NO MODS ALLOWED; Use common sense, don't be an asshole, and have fun!");
TextDrawAlignment(RULESText, 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(RULESText, 0x000000FF);
TextDrawFont(RULESText, 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(RULESText, 0.150000, 0.800000);
TextDrawSetShadow(RULESText, 0);
TextDrawSetOutline(RULESText, 1);
TextDrawTextSize(RULESText, 200.000000, 18.000000);
TextDrawUseBox(RULESText, 1);