Race's with checkpoints

Hey there,

I'm planned to make a race server, but I would like to know, how to make a race, with race checkpoints, I got the positions, I just don't know how I should like make it start, and going from that checkpoint to the other, so how do you do that?

Thanks in advance, kevin.


use SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint.
When two guys type /race start the countdown. And others need to /race within that countdown if they want to race. Spawn the racers on >>Different<< positions and toggle their controllable. Once the coundown ends unfreeze them and with checkpoints show them the map. Once someone enters finish checkpoint close the race and announce the winner.

That's some good inspiration, but how is it going to be script based, do I have to use enums for the data, and arrays for the locations of the checkpoint? Could anyone give me a clear view of how to script something like this?

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