Second Line chatting not setting color

Hey, I've made a piece of code to change my admins text to a different color, but when they type long sentences (Run on to the next line) it turns back to the default text color, did I do something wrong??


pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1)
        new output[256];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName));
        format(str, sizeof(str), "%s(%i)", PlayerName, playerid);
        format(output, sizeof(output),"{A8DBFF}%s", text);
        SetPlayerName(playerid, str);
        SendPlayerMessageToAll(playerid, output);
        #if defined IRC
        format(str, sizeof(str), "0,1[ADMIN]%s(%i)1,0:2 %s", PlayerName, playerid, output);
        IRC_GroupSay(ircGroup, IRC_CHANNEL, output);
        session[messages] =  session[messages] + 1;
        SetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName);
        return 0;

What i've heard so far, is that you cant do anything about that. But i cant say for sure...

Originally Posted by ddnbb
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What i've heard so far, is that you cant do anything about that. But i cant say for sure...
I got the idea from another server that had that bug, and was fixed, although the owner does not enjoy my presence, so I cannot ask them, but I've noticed if you use "SendClientMessageToAll" instead of "SendPlayerMessageToAll", it eliminates the problem

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