
Hello everybody! On my server I have 302 textdraws. I have a question. Is it very much? It can cause a lag on server or something else bad?

And I have another question. If in one moment I will show textdraws to all players, It can cause a lag or server overload?

i dont think so

it even depends on the Function

Like if a player types /textdraw on then a texdraw shows

or else if you have textdraws all over the screen that might cause lag

It's not a problem unless you update the text draws too often.
For example a speedometer takes up a lot of the server's resources.

And I have another question. If in one moment I will show textdraws to all players, It can cause a lag or server overload?

If you show all textdraws together it might cause lag depending upon the source its using from the server.
Eg:If you create many speedometers it uses source needed to run speedometer.

I have another question. Can server crash If I show about 10 textdraws for one player then he connects, and at this time connects a lot of people and I show same amount of textdraws to them?

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