Getting vehicle speed.

I wanted help with getting a players vehicle speed.That if a player passes through a certain point,how to check vehicle speed.I mean what code would we use to make it,I am really confused.((if it is GetPlayerVehicleVelocity.Then please explain with some kind of codes.))

This is an example for a vehicle radar

pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>


new VehRadarID [MAX_VEHICLES];
new Text: RadarHud;
new Text: SpeedAndModel [MAX_VEHICLES];
new CheckingSpeed [MAX_VEHICLES];

forward UpdateSpeed (vehid);
forward CheckValidTextDraws();

new VehicleModel[212][] ={
"Landstalker", "Bravura", "Buffalo", "Linerunner", "Perrenial","Sentinel", "Dumper", "Firetruck", "Trashmaster", "Stretch", "Manana",
"Infernus", "Voodoo", "Pony", "Mule", "Cheetah", "Ambulance","Leviathan", "Moonbeam", "Esperanto", "Taxi",
"Washington", "Bobcat","Whoopee", "BF Injection", "Hunter", "Premier","Enforcer", "Securicar", "Banshee",
"Predator", "Bus", "Rhino", "Barracks", "Hotknife","Trailer 1", "Previon", "Coach", "Cabbie", "Stallion",
"Rumpo", "RC Bandit", "Romero", "Packer","Monster", "Admiral", "Squalo","Seasparrow", "Pizzaboy", "Tram", "Trailer 2",
"Turismo", "Speeder", "Reefer", "Tropic","Flatbed", "Yankee", "Caddy", "Solair","Berkley's RC Van", "Skimmer", "PCJ-600", "Faggio",
"Freeway", "RC Baron", "RC Raider","Glendale", "Oceanic", "Sanchez", "Sparrow","Patriot", "Quad", "Coastguard", "Dinghy", "Hermes",
"Sabre", "Rustler", "ZR-350","Walton", "Regina", "Comet", "BMX", "Burrito","Camper", "Marquis", "Baggage", "Dozer", "Maverick",
"News Chopper", "Rancher","FBI Rancher", "Virgo", "Greenwood", "Jetmax", "Hotring","Sandking", "Blista Compact", "Police Maverick",
"Boxvillde", "Benson","Mesa", "RC Goblin", "Hotring Racer A", "Hotring Racer B","Bloodring Banger", "Rancher", "Super GT", "Elegant",
"Journey", "Bike", "Mountain Bike", "Beagle", "Cropduster","Stunt",  "Tanker", "Roadtrain", "Nebula", "Majestic", "Buccaneer",
"Shamal", "Hydra","FCR-900", "NRG-500", "HPV1000", "Cement Truck", "Tow Truck", "Fortune","Cadrona", "FBI Truck", "Willard",
"Forklift", "Tractor", "Combine","Feltzer", "Remington", "Slamvan", "Blade", "Freight","Streak","Vortex", "Vincent", "Bullet",
"Clover", "Sadler", "Firetruck LA","Hustler", "Intruder", "Primo", "Cargobob", "Tampa","Sunrise", "Merit","Utility", "Nevada",
"Yosemite", "Windsor", "Monster A", "Monster B", "Uranus", "Jester", "Sultan","Stratum", "Elegy", "Raindance","RC Tiger",
"Flash", "Tahoma", "Savanna", "Bandito","Freight Flat", "Streak Carriage", "Kart","Mower", "Dune", "Sweeper", "Broadway",
"Tornado", "AT-400", "DFT-30", "Huntley", "Stafford","BF-400", "News Van", "Tug", "Trailer 3", "Emperor","Wayfarer", "Euros",
"Hotdog","Club", "Freight Carriage", "Trailer 4","Andromada", "Dodo", "RC Cam", "Launch", "Police Car (LSPD)","Police Car (SFPD)",
"Police Car (LVPD)", "Police Ranger", "Picador", "S.W.A.T", "Alpha","Phoenix", "Glendale", "Sadler", "Luggage Trailer A",
"Luggage Trailer B", "Stairs", "Boxville", "Tiller", "Utility Trailer" };

public OnFilterScriptInit ()
    printf (" \nCruiser speed radar made by Srdjan loaded.\n");
    SetTimer ("CheckValidTextDraws", 1000, 1);
    RadarHud = TextDrawCreate (495.0, 200.0, "~b~Model: ~n~~r~Speed:         kmph");
    TextDrawFont (RadarHud, 2);
    TextDrawLetterSize (RadarHud, 0.3, 1.0);
    for (new i = 1; i <= MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
        VehRadarID [i] = -1;
        SpeedAndModel [i] = TextDrawCreate (545.0, 200.0, "~b~ ~n~~r~");
        TextDrawFont (SpeedAndModel [i], 2);
        TextDrawLetterSize (SpeedAndModel [i], 0.3, 1.0);
        CheckingSpeed [i] = 0;
    return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid, cmdtext[])
    if (!strcmp (cmdtext, "/placeradar"))
        if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle (playerid))
            new vehid = GetPlayerVehicleID (playerid);
            if (VehRadarID [vehid] > -1) return 1;
            new Float: x, Float: y, Float: z, Float: a;
            GetVehiclePos (vehid, x, y, z);
            GetVehicleZAngle (vehid, a);
            SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Radar has been added successfully.");
            VehRadarID [vehid] = CreateObject (367, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 300.0);
            AttachObjectToVehicle (VehRadarID [vehid], vehid, 0.2, 0.50, 0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0);
            for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                if (IsPlayerInVehicle (i, vehid))
                    TextDrawShowForPlayer (i, RadarHud);
        return 1;
    if (!strcmp (cmdtext, "/removeradar"))
        if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle (playerid))
            new vehid = GetPlayerVehicleID (playerid);
            if (VehRadarID [vehid] == -1) return 1;

            DestroyObject (VehRadarID [vehid]);
            SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Radar has been removed successfully.");
            VehRadarID [vehid] = -1;
            KillTimer (CheckingSpeed [vehid]);
            CheckingSpeed [vehid] = -1;
            for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                if (IsPlayerInVehicle (i, vehid))
                    TextDrawHideForPlayer (i, RadarHud);
                    TextDrawHideForPlayer (playerid, SpeedAndModel [vehid]);
        return 1;

    if (!strcmp (cmdtext, "/checkspeed"))
        if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle (playerid))
            new vehid = GetPlayerVehicleID (playerid);
            if (VehRadarID [vehid] == -1) return 1;
            CheckingSpeed [vehid] = SetTimerEx ("UpdateSpeed", 100, 1, "d", vehid);
        return 1;
    if (!strcmp (cmdtext, "/stopchecking"))
        if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle (playerid))
            new vehid = GetPlayerVehicleID (playerid);
            if (CheckingSpeed [vehid] > 0)
                KillTimer (CheckingSpeed [vehid]);
                CheckingSpeed [vehid] = -1;
            for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                if (IsPlayerInVehicle (i, vehid))
                    TextDrawHideForPlayer (i, SpeedAndModel [vehid]);
        return 1;
    if (!strcmp (cmdtext, "/issueticket"))
        if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle (playerid))
            new vehid = GetPlayerVehicleID (playerid);
            if (CheckingSpeed [vehid] > -1)
                for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                    if (IsPlayerConnected (i) && i != playerid)
                        if (IsPlayerInVehicle (i, GetVehicleInfrontID (vehid)))
                            if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat (i) == 0)
                                GivePlayerMoney (i, -1500);
        return 1;
    return 0;

GetVehicleInfrontID (vehid)
    new Float: temp = 7.0;
    new j = 0;
    for (new i = 1; i <= MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
        new Float: a, Float: x1, Float: y1, Float: z1, Float: x2, Float: y2, Float: z2;
        GetVehiclePos (vehid, x1, y1, z1);
        GetVehicleZAngle (vehid, a);
        if (i != vehid)
            if (GetVehiclePos (i, x2, y2, z2))
                new Float: distance = floatsqroot (floatpower ((x1 - x2), 2) + floatpower ((y1 - y2), 2) + floatpower ((z1 - z2), 2));
                GetVehicleZAngle (vehid, a);

                if (distance < 300.0)
                    x1 = x1 + (distance * floatsin(-a, degrees));
                    y1 = y1 + (distance * floatcos(-a, degrees));

                    distance = floatsqroot ((floatpower ((x1 - x2), 2)) + (floatpower ((y1 - y2), 2)));

                    if (temp > distance)
                        temp = distance;
                        j = i;
    if (temp < 7.0) return j;
    return -1;

public UpdateSpeed (vehid)
    new id = GetVehicleInfrontID (vehid);
    if (id < 0)
        TextDrawSetString (SpeedAndModel [vehid], "~b~N/A ~n~~r~N/A");
        new str[32], Float: velocityX, Float: velocityY, Float: velocityZ;
        GetVehicleVelocity (id, velocityX, velocityY, velocityZ);
        new speed = floatround (floatsqroot (floatpower (velocityX, 2) + floatpower (velocityY, 2) + floatpower (velocityZ, 2)) * 136.666667, floatround_round);
        format (str, sizeof (str), "~b~%s ~n~~r~%d", VehicleModel [GetVehicleModel (id) - 400], speed);
        TextDrawSetString (SpeedAndModel [vehid], str);

    for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if (IsPlayerInVehicle (i, vehid))
            TextDrawShowForPlayer (i, SpeedAndModel [vehid]);
    return 1;

public CheckValidTextDraws()
    for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if (IsPlayerConnected (i))
            if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle (i))
                new vehid = GetPlayerVehicleID (i);
                if (VehRadarID [vehid] > -1)
                    TextDrawShowForPlayer (i, RadarHud);
                    if (CheckingSpeed [vehid] > 0)
                        TextDrawShowForPlayer (i, SpeedAndModel [vehid]);
                        TextDrawHideForPlayer (i, SpeedAndModel [vehid]);
                    TextDrawHideForPlayer (i, RadarHud);
                TextDrawHideForPlayer (i, RadarHud);
                TextDrawHideForPlayer (i, SpeedAndModel [OldVehID[i]]);
                OldVehID [i] = 0;
    return 1;

public OnPlayerStateChange (playerid, newstate, oldstate)
    if ((oldstate == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) && (newstate == PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER || newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER))
         OldVehID [playerid] = GetPlayerVehicleID (playerid);
    return 1;

public OnVehicleDeath (vehicleid)
    DestroyObject (VehRadarID [vehicleid]);
    VehRadarID [vehicleid] = -1;
    KillTimer (CheckingSpeed [vehicleid]);
    CheckingSpeed [vehicleid] = -1;
    for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if (IsPlayerInVehicle (i, vehicleid))
            TextDrawHideForPlayer (i, RadarHud);
            TextDrawHideForPlayer (i, SpeedAndModel [vehicleid]);

I just needed a small code that explains me how can I use such functions.

Originally Posted by TaLhA XIV
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I just needed a small code that explains me how can I use such functions.
i gave u the full code take it and take out what exact code you want from it

So you take it out for me please.I can't just read the whole of the codes.

Originally Posted by TaLhA XIV
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So you take it out for me please.I can't just read the whole of the codes.
just use it all!! so you can place a radar and remove it + checking the speed and theres nothing useless there but /issueticket so remove it your self

I want to make it by my self nor just copy and paste.

Originally Posted by TaLhA XIV
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I want to make it by my self nor just copy and paste.
ok then go ahead search for tutorials there was no need to post it here then

Hey if you are just fed up so don't come here to help people and just stick to your own business.I'll wait for someone else to help me out.Useless replies.

i tried to help but u said i want to make it my own! wtf so why on earth r u coming here if u want to make it alone

but you will say i dont wanna copy and paste i just need a hint what will i say?

"i gave u a full help verison! is that my fault?"

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