Payment for Each Job (Trucking)

in ppc I wana Edite The Job Payments (money per job) I cant Find The Payments I Had Been Looking for it i cant Find it Any help?

Look in the PPC_Defloads.INC

There are this lines:
pawn Код:
{"Gravel", false, 3.00, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, {11, 4, 145}, {1, 2, 3, 152}}, // LoadID 1
The first 3.00 mean you earn $3.00 dollar each km you drive, thats the thing you can change

Thank you Man U are Reped

what if I wana Change the Job Name i Changed It Like Gravel I changed it to another name but it never Showed of in the game also How can i Make new Jobs? u NIce server

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