14.08.2012, 02:21
Made in fifteen minutes or so, it is to be honest professionaly made and there are no bugs/glitches.
All objects are perfectly aligned and it looks really good in-game, there are no wall glitches or any kind of.
It looks like a real interior, if you find any bug please report on this topic or PM me.
I also left some space so you could add your-self things, if you're intrested.

Download: http://adf.ly/BrfVJ
All objects are perfectly aligned and it looks really good in-game, there are no wall glitches or any kind of.
It looks like a real interior, if you find any bug please report on this topic or PM me.
I also left some space so you could add your-self things, if you're intrested.

Download: http://adf.ly/BrfVJ