[FilterScript] Join Leave Message Creator

Name: Join Leave Messag

Description: what this does exactly? ... eh this will create for you a nice Join or Leave message( in leave do not include reason situation) , this will be created in scriptfiles with a name of Join.ini or Leave.ini

when a file is created it will be something like this depend on what message do you write....
pawn Код:
Add this under OnPlayerConnect(playerid) =>>>
      new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[256];
     format(string,sizeof(string),"Welcome %s to the",name);
this is for OnPlayerConnect , for disconnect test it by yourself

Problems: The functions don't allowed me to use "" in format when it stock so i used '' so what do you have to do is to replace , this was just an example about how to do :
format(string,sizeof(string),'Welcome %s to the',name);
format(string,sizeof(string),"Welcome %s to the",name);
I think you understand replacing '' with "" when paste into your GaMode/fILTERSCRIPT if you don't want errors

How i can create it? simple : =>>>
Enter on server
Loggin in with rcon
use /jlmsg select join or leave , write the text , do what i said above replacing '', with "" in format and finished

P.S use format :%s in your text example: Test %s connected!

How do i install it: ? =>>> simple
put JoinLeave.amx and .pwn in filterscripts
enter in server.cfg and put the name of the line at filterscript exapmle:
pawn Код:
filterscripts LuxAdmin JoinLeave
Download Link:
Click me! for script
Or pastebin:

Some photo:
I will upload it later

Oh wow nice one ;o
10/10 Awesome


I guess this could be useful for someone if you would also add in the option for changing the colour...

And dude, improve your english!

ok, and ths .....sorry for bad english but I live in Romania

3/5 for this bcz this is so easy.Btw nice

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