31.07.2012, 13:57
Name: Join Leave Messag
Description: what this does exactly? ... eh this will create for you a nice Join or Leave message( in leave do not include reason situation) , this will be created in scriptfiles with a name of Join.ini or Leave.ini
when a file is created it will be something like this depend on what message do you write....
this is for OnPlayerConnect , for disconnect test it by yourself 
Problems: The functions don't allowed me to use "" in format when it stock so i used '' so what do you have to do is to replace , this was just an example about how to do :
I think you understand replacing '' with "" when paste into your GaMode/fILTERSCRIPT if you don't want errors
How i can create it? simple : =>>>
Enter on server
Loggin in with rcon
use /jlmsg select join or leave , write the text , do what i said above replacing '', with "" in format and finished
P.S use format :%s in your text example: Test %s connected!
How do i install it: ? =>>> simple
put JoinLeave.amx and .pwn in filterscripts
enter in server.cfg and put the name of the line at filterscript exapmle:
Download Link:
Click me! for script
Or pastebin:
Some photo:
I will upload it later
Description: what this does exactly? ... eh this will create for you a nice Join or Leave message( in leave do not include reason situation) , this will be created in scriptfiles with a name of Join.ini or Leave.ini
when a file is created it will be something like this depend on what message do you write....
pawn Код:
Add this under OnPlayerConnect(playerid) =>>>
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[256];
format(string,sizeof(string),"Welcome %s to the",name);

Problems: The functions don't allowed me to use "" in format when it stock so i used '' so what do you have to do is to replace , this was just an example about how to do :
format(string,sizeof(string),'Welcome %s to the',name);
format(string,sizeof(string),"Welcome %s to the",name);
How i can create it? simple : =>>>
Enter on server
Loggin in with rcon
use /jlmsg select join or leave , write the text , do what i said above replacing '', with "" in format and finished
P.S use format :%s in your text example: Test %s connected!
How do i install it: ? =>>> simple
put JoinLeave.amx and .pwn in filterscripts
enter in server.cfg and put the name of the line at filterscript exapmle:
pawn Код:
filterscripts LuxAdmin JoinLeave
Click me! for script
Or pastebin:
Some photo:
I will upload it later