Need some serious help.

Alright, so I launched my server, and suddenly confronted this bastard who likes to change his "WHOLE" IP. Instead of changing the first xx.xx, his all IP is changing. Probably the sa-mp proxy program, which I saw somewhere some time ago. Anyone has a solution or a can/already did came up with a script to stop this?

rcon ban him or u have host ?
just add firewall ban

Well i know some people where the rcon ban doesent effect them because they have a router that allows them to change their mac addres or They have a dynamic IP. What you can do tho is setup Anticheat to kick anyone with his IP addres for ban evading.

If it is actually a big big deal, you can contact cyber police.

I tried using rangeban function, rcon ban function, but as I said, his IP isn't dynamic. He is using some kind of a script or a sa-mp proxy program that spoofs his mac address and fully ip address, I can't get rid of him any how.. I don't think cyber police will help me with this issue, because it's just a game of course, and there are bigger problems to be dealt with.. any other suggestions please?

Come on, there must be a way to solve this.

What do you expect us to do? Unless he is using the same name when he logs in, it is probably impossible, seeing as bans are based on IP's and Names, of which he can unlimitedly change.

I expect experienced people or players to help me with the problem, I doubt any official, high player servers are experiencing this.

if his name is con then i can help with you with it cause i have gone with the same thing

if you are running windows and running a server for gta sa or any game server you have to watch out for people name con. con messes with the server not the person it is the name of the person all you have to do is kick anyone with the name con

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