Removing default garages with RemoveBuilding(..)


There is a bug with removeBuildingForPlayer(...)
If you remove a default GTA garage (which is used if single player), it doesn't remove the camera changes in the garage's place.


The camera is set by the game itself and is in no way directly linked to the object. There is a special section in the game's map files which defines the garages (and the camera) as a three-dimensional cubicle in the world space.

I know, but If they can make the default map objects removable, they can do this thing disabled, or removable

I'm definitely sure that shadow is an object, though has no collision (thus cannot be selected on Jernejls map editor). It'd be a pain in the ass looking for what model it actually is :O

Originally Posted by w00t
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I know, but If they can make the default map objects removable, they can do this thing disabled, or removable
It is scriptable..
Use a timer, IsPlayerInArea and SetCameraBehindPlayer

Removing the moving part may crash your client some time.

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