14.07.2012, 13:34
Last edited by Slice; 14/07/2012 at 03:45 PM.
This is mainly meant for automatically creating syntax-highlighting based on your own code.
Quick example:
The code is well-documented, go have a look.
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Quick example:
<?php include 'PAWNScanner.php'; $scanner = new PAWNScanner\Scanner(); $scanner->scan_dir('include', 'a_npc.inc'); // Most things can be casted to strings echo $scanner->functions['SetPlayerPos'] . "\n"; // They're split into pieces, however. echo $scanner->functions['SetPlayerPos']->name . "\n"; echo $scanner->functions['SetPlayerPos']->arguments . "\n"; // Argument lists are subclasses of VariableList. echo $scanner->functions['SetPlayerPos']->arguments->variables[1] . "\n"; echo $scanner->functions['SetPlayerPos']->arguments->variables[1]->tags . "\n"; ?>
native SetPlayerPos(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z) SetPlayerPos playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z Float:x Float
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