07.07.2012, 18:59
Lottery System by iGetty (With a clock).
Hello and welcome to my thread for a lottery system, with a clock system!
This system is an automated lottery system that calls every XX:00 on the clock!
/buyticket - This command is used to purchase a lottery ticket, numbers are from 1 to 99.
/myticket - This command is used to view what ticket number you have purchased. (Shown in Dialog).
/lotteryhelp - This command is used to view the help of the lottery system.
/credits - This command shows the credits of the filterscript creator. (Me).
At present, there is currently a clock inside, that updates every second, displaying in this format:
Pastebin - v1.0
All suggestions are greatly appreciated. I hope that you enjoy this filterscript.
Note: I know about the bad layout of this thread, but it's not really about the layout, but more about the script so I would appreciate it if you would ignore the thread layout and read what's necessary. Thanks!
Pastebin - v1.0
All suggestions are greatly appreciated. I hope that you enjoy this filterscript.
Note: I know about the bad layout of this thread, but it's not really about the layout, but more about the script so I would appreciate it if you would ignore the thread layout and read what's necessary. Thanks!