Pown problem

When i start compiling , it take a lot of time then the nothing appear in pawn compiler output , and at the info bar it s write "file grp.pwn has been compiled to grp.amx" and the amx file is just 1kb ?but what is the problem , i'm using a gamemode with 85724 line , is the my computer problem or gamemoe ? and at server log it's write
script[gamemodes/grp.amx]: run time error 17 :"invaled/unsupported p-code file format"
failed to load 'gamemodes/grp.amx' script.

If it is run time 19 try to run A's adminstratior

Else it was the file which cant load anyway 85000 Lines ypu crazy!! Unless it is stunt og cnr you arr sick

But it alwayse compile those simple script like godfather and raven and i'm alwayse using admin

yea, but run the server as admin

I'm alwayse using admin , even i don't use ather accounts

umm, try to recheck your script and look for some mistakes as everyone can do the problem might be in the script

Also you can try redownloading the server package.

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