30.05.2012, 18:54
well I Want To ask All The Other Server Owners what are Your Tips Of Getting players
I'm running a RP server myself for less than a week now, although our playerbase is around 10 now, these 10 are people who are dedicated to the server already and really roleplay, that is the most important part.
You should start months before opening the server think about it, get some friends and make sure you have at least basic knowledge of scripting or make sure one of your friends have that. Making an entirely new RP script from scratch isn't needed in my opinion, as the base of all RP servers are in my eyes the generic RP commands, data storage, admin system, a kinda faction system, etc, I recommend you to take a publicated script (not NGRP) in the gamemode section, and then edit it to your demands, add some stuff. Make sure your admins and faction leaders: - Speak English properly (seems to be rare these days) - Understand what RP means - Are fair to others - Are friendly, harsh admins and faction leaders often make people /q and not return Your wrong things: Script: Overused NGRP edit, at first this can get you blacklisted from SAMP, at second this doesn't look professional to other people. Refunds: Will only attract people who only care about money, cars and houses. This is the best way to turn your server into a dumpinground for whoever gets banned from a good RP server, not to mention this works as a magnet to deathmatchers. They come ingame, start with stuff and can use them to DM people. If they get prisoned it's not a single problem, as they simply make a new account and come back to DM. Out of each ten players you get, around eight or so are either immature, DM'er, don't know how to RP, etc. The other 2 probably /q Oh and NGRP edit, so probably your ban system is bugged as well but I was too lazy to test it. |