04.06.2012, 15:08
Hello Peoples.
Today I would like to present my next upload.
It is a simple AFK system I'll show you here some pictures and functions
including a download link.
It is a simple AFK system I'll show you here some pictures and functions
including a download link.
1)type "/afk" brings you into the AFK mode. AFK = Away from Keyboard.
Nobody can kill you in this fashion or another.
Picture: AFK mode
I have to apologize for anything. This system is unfortunately no reason system...
2)You can use "/afklist" check who is just afk.
Picture: AFK-List
3)Yet as the last of the "/back" command. with it comes back into the game from the AFK mode.
Picture: Back
I hope you like it. If you wish, you may like to have a reasonable system to add.
PS: the image can still be seen as the last "reason" but that's been taken out, because I did not bring.
You can make (update it) the reason system, but i bring it not.
Sincerely Homie_MH