A little help

Hei ,

I made few days ago a simple /fare command for taxi drivers , like when i type it will appear to all players screen a message : Taxi driver x is on duty , call him on y . First question , i can create something like /gps <id of player> and will set a red checkpoint on map with players location ( after he calls me i will track his possition ) if not i will try to do like this - put a textdraw with player's location on screen and taxi driver will use /gps and will choose from a dialog location to track on gps (it's a good idea too , i think) . 2nd question : i want to make a - + money system for this fare , i want to check if i have passenger in taxi then every 1 min ( with a timer for sure ) i want to take his money with Giveplayermoney , and to add same amount to me the driver ( a constant value , eg : 5 $ ) , but the question is i can check if i have passenger in taxi somehow ?

yes you can

you need to use a loop threw the players
then get their vehicleid with
and use
to get their seat
0=driver 1,2,3 = passengers

or if you know the driver just checking if the vid == drivers vid would be good enough

Ok , please check this , i am really newbie , but i like scripting and want to learn.

for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		    new veh;
		    veh = GetPlayerVehicleID(i);
		    iSeat = GetPlayerVehicleSeat(i);
		    if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 5)
                    if(GetVehicleModel(veh) == taxiIDVEH && GetVehicleModel(veh) == taxiIDVEH)

		    	if(iSeat == 1 && iSeat == 2 && iSeat == 3) // it's right ?
                  there i want to put a textdraw with a cronometer and at 1:00 2:00 get value of x$ . but i do.t know how to make cronometer and textraw with changeable price :( if can help would be nice . need atleast one start idea.
				SetTimer("TaxiFare" ,60000,true); // this calls every 1 min right ? 
				but for declare this timer what i need to do ?
				something like : 
				GivePlayerMoney(i, -5) - should be for passenger ..
				GivePlayerMoney(playerid, 5) - i think for me i need to check if i am on seat 0 or something like that with another FOR ,  .. i don't understand there :( i am newbie 
                                and some sendclientmessages for sure there .
and this FOR i should add in onplayerentervehicle right ?

Anyone ? It compile but don.t work . Even if i add a sendclientmessage when i enter as a passenger ... (no message appear on screen ) Any other idea ?

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