Making a tutorial

I want to make a tutorial that shows the player rules and cool stuff around the server after registering.
I don't know how to start making this so please help me !I will provide every neccesary code that will help you helping me

well if you really want you can just go download a role-play script and copy and paste there tutorial and change it. jsut use SetCameraLookat and SetCameraPos and some textdraws and you will be fine

i can make an example if you like?

I tried that and got a bunch of errors and warings because of undefined things and missing stuff...
I just want to know how do you connect more dialogs.
An example would be: I click "register" and it starts a new dialog with asking my about my age and then i click my age and takes me to a new dialog etc...

I have done the code that shoul check if player has done the tutorial and it looks like this
pawn Код:
if(IgracInfo[playerid][Tut] == 0)
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,tut1,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{FF0000}                     Tutorijal"," dadadada\n\n\n adadadaad","OK","NO");

but i don't know where to put it here

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BF);
    TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, BM);
    SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1108.7909,-839.2827,111.9381);
    SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1109.7909,-840.2827,111.9281);
    new datoteka[64];
    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    if(dini_Exists(datoteka)) ///////////////////// LOGIN
        for(new i = 0; i < 50; i++) SendClientMessageToAll(BIJELA," ");
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,LOGIRANJE,DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD,"{FF0000}                      PRIJAVA","{00FF00}_______________________________\n\n         Vaљ Acount je pronaden!\n\n      Molimo unesite vaљu lozinku:\n_______________________________","Logiraj","Odustani");
    else                   /////////////////// RULES
        new string[1024];
        strcat(string, "{00FF00}Dobrodoљli na RPG server!\n");
        strcat(string, "{00D0FF}Prije pocetka igranja na naљem serveru morate prihvatiti uvjete koriљtenja:\n\n");
        strcat(string, "{FF0000}1.Vaљ nickname MORA biti u formatu Ime_Prezime(npr. Marko_Markovic) i MORA biti realan.\n");
        strcat(string, "2.Obavezni ste poљtovati i znati pravila servera koja se nalaze na forumu i serveru.\n");
        strcat(string, "3.Obavezni ste poљtovati druge igrace kao sto su i oni obavezni poљtovati Vas!\n\n");
        strcat(string, "4.Zabranjeno je davanje Vaљe lozinke drugim igracima!Obavezni ste je cuvati u tajnosti.\n");
        strcat(string, " nece nikada nikome davati Vaљu lozinku niti je traћiti od Vas.\n");
        strcat(string, " ne odgovara za vasu lozinku\n\n");
        strcat(string, "7.Zabranjeno je koristenje MODova koji Vam daju prednost nad drugim igracima!\n");
        strcat(string, "9.Zabranjeno je vrijedanje po bilo kojoj osnovi!\n");
        strcat(string, "10.Srogo je zabranjeno iskoristavanje BUGova\n\n");
        strcat(string, "BlackFade zadrzava pravo na promjenu pravila i zatvaranje Vaљeg racuna bez najave ukoliko\n");
        strcat(string, "krљite pravila servera.");     
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,REGISTRACIJA, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}Uvjeti koriљtenja", string, "Prihvacam", "Odbijam");
        for(new i = 0; i < 50; i++) SendClientMessageToAll(BIJELA," ");
        IgracInfo[playerid][Loginf] += 1;
        if(IgracInfo[playerid][Loginf] == 5)///////////// KICKS AFTER FAILING PASSWORD 5 TIMES
            SendClientMessage(playerid,CRVENA,"Unjeli ste pogreљnu lozinku previљe puta i izbaceni ste sa servera!");
        return 1;
    return 1;

heres one i made awhile back
it wont function as you dont have all my stocks but it will show you how

this is all in my OnDialogResponse()
pawn Код:
//this would start the wizard
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_USER_DOB,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"DOB","Enter your Date Of Birth:\n Use the format YYYY\\MM\\DD","Enter","Skip");

//this is the struct
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
    switch(dialogid) // Lookup the dialogid
        //###########Start profile wizard################
        case DIALOG_USER_DOB:
                //they skiped show next dialog
                return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_USER_GENDER,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Gender","Male\r\nFemale","Enter","Skip");
            //save DOB
            //show next dialog
            return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_USER_GENDER,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Gender","Male\r\nFemale","Enter","Skip");
        case DIALOG_USER_GENDER:
                //they skiped show next dialog
                return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_USER_ABOUT,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"About","Enter a little info about you.","Enter","Skip");
            //save Gender
            //show next dialog
            return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_USER_ABOUT,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"About","Enter a little info about you.","Enter","Skip");
        case DIALOG_USER_ABOUT:
                //they skiped show next dialog
                return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_USER_HOBBY,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Hobbies","Enter your Hobbies","Enter","Skip");
            //save About
            //show next dialog
            return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_USER_HOBBY,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Hobbies","Enter your Hobbies","Enter","Skip");
        case DIALOG_USER_HOBBY:
                //they skiped show next dialog
                return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_USER_SIG,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Signature","Enter your profile sig","Enter","Skip");
            //save Hobby
            //show next dialog
            return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_USER_SIG,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Signature","Enter your profile sig","Enter","Skip");
            //1; // We processed it
        case DIALOG_USER_SIG:
                //they skiped show next dialog
                return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_USER_LOCATION,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Location","Enter your location","Enter","Skip");
            //save Sig
            //show next dialog
            return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_USER_LOCATION,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Location","Enter your location","Enter","Skip");
                //they skiped end the wizard
                return 1;
            //save Gender
            //end the wizard
            return 1; // We processed it
        //###########end profile wizard################
        case DIALOG_USER_LOGIN:
                return 1; // We processed it
            //blah blah
            return 1; // We processed it
    return 0;

I removed all my code and left just the structure
hope that helps.

Thank you but I'm using an another "system",I have made a variable tutorial=0 which is made by registration and saves on exit and when you finish your tutorial its =1,so now I need to put this

pawn Код:
if(IgracInfo[playerid][Tut] == 0) //player didn't finish the tutorial
        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,tut1,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"{FF0000}                     Tutorijal"," dadadada\n\n\n adadadaad","OK","NO");
I don't know where so when a player connects it checks if he has done his tutorila,if not he will have to do it.

Anyone know where to put this?

well i would go in OnPlayerSpawn()

and freeze them if they have not dont tut,
also i edited my code to show a more clear example

look above

If i put it on OnPlayerSpawn() it overwrites my registering procses,so after accepting the Tearms Of Use there is no password dialog anymore but there is the tutorial which i don't want...

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