14.05.2012, 14:35
heey all,
I am using the EditAttachedObject and the callback OnPlayerEditAttachedObject from wiki.
But when i edit the attachedobject and i save the attachted object it will show good for me but the other players see the attached object not same as me.
How can i fix this?
Thanks Admigo
I am using the EditAttachedObject and the callback OnPlayerEditAttachedObject from wiki.
But when i edit the attachedobject and i save the attachted object it will show good for me but the other players see the attached object not same as me.
enum attached_object_data { ao_model, ao_bone, Float:ao_x, Float:ao_y, Float:ao_z, Float:ao_rx, Float:ao_ry, Float:ar_rz, Float:as_sx, Float:ao_sy, Float:ao_sz } new ao[MAX_PLAYERS][MAX_PLAYER_ATTACHED_OBJECTS][attached_object_data]; // The data should be stored in the above array when attached objects are attached. public OnPlayerEditAttachedObject(playerid, response, index, modelid, boneid, Float:fOffsetX, Float:fOffsetY, Float:fOffsetZ, Float:fRotX, Float:fRotY, Float:fRotZ, Float:fScaleX, Float:fScaleY, Float:fScaleZ) { if(response) { SendClientMessage(playeird, COLOR_GREEN, "Attached object edition saved."); ao[playerid][index][ao_x] = fOffsetX; ao[playerid][index][ao_y] = fOffsetY; ao[playerid][index][ao_z] = fOffsetZ; ao[playerid][index][ao_rx] = fRotX; ao[playerid][index][ao_ry] = fRotY; ao[playerid][index][ao_rz] = fRotZ; ao[playerid][index][ao_sx] = fScaleX; ao[playerid][index][ao_sy] = fScaleY; ao[playerid][index][ao_sz] = fScaleZ; } else { SendClientMessage(playeird, COLOR_RED, "Attached object edition not saved."); new i = index; SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, index, modelid, boneid, ao[playerid][i][ao_x], ao[playerid][i][ao_y], ao[playerid][i][ao_z], ao[playerid][i][ao_rx], ao[playerid][i][ao_ry], ao[playerid][i][ao_rz], ao[playerid][i][ao_sx], ao[playerid][i][ao_sy], ao[playerid][i][ao_sz]); } return 1; }
Thanks Admigo