A peice of script to Refresh an interior

Ok so here's the problem, if people /q while in an interior in my server, when they come back, the interior doesnt load....i have no idea whats causing this in the script and at the moment im not sure what peice of code to show you to fix the root of the problem...so until i get that sorted, im looking for a peice of coding that will refresh an interior by simply typing /refresh or something to that effect.

i appreciate your time and thanks for reading

You need to implement a saving system that saves their interior when they leave, and sets it when they come back.

ok, with that being said....any suggestions on where to look for help with such a topic? im still working on my scripting so saving interiors upon exit isnt something ive gotten to touch on yet.

secondly, if anyone knows some script to /refresh and interior that would still be appreciated as its an overwhelming problem

You should learn to use the libraries mentioned above.

This will simply set their interior to the one they are using.
You could also just set it to zero.
pawn Код:
        interior = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
    SetPlayerInterior(playerid, interior);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Interior refreshed.");
    return 1;

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