Is SA-MP loosing or earning players?

Hi guys... I think SA-MP hqs each time less players.... You don't think so?
If so, i think people should stop opening noob servers robbing players and ,making the best servers close...

People come and people go.

For my part, I'd say the community is growing.. new faces come every few seconds.. people leave every few months.

Joining > Leaving.

The natality of the players is higher than the mortality, so it's a growing community with a good mother.

Ever hear the saying 2 heads are better than 1?

Well in my estimation; Every so many people join to the average of 1 person leaving.

People move on, things change and the world grows.
People get on with their lives and leave Sa-mp for personal reasons. New games come out every day and the average gamer will not take a mod for a 6 year old game seriously.
The community is alive and is still kicking but i do have the feeling that Sa-mp has reached a stop sign. There is no more growing from here.

Joining (player's are increasing), tbh.

Sa-mp is actually growing rather than dying. There has been more players and servers recently on sa-mp then ever before.

Cool. I like to listen this.

Well.. The guys' right..
People should stop opening servers which uses fucking Stolen scripts and SA the shit out of Good Servers,
Look at LS-RP Now.. Before it was like 400+, now when i check it it dosen't even reach 300 D:
( But since LS-RP is 0.3e RC4 right now, i think thats the reason. )

Originally Posted by Zh3r0
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The natality of the players is higher than the mortality, so it's a growing community with a good mother.
I think so.

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