how to add this??? [REP+]

Hi all! Maybe all know PPC_Trucking in devolpment. Yes i have it but problem is i want change house system. Dont need upgrade House level. When createhouse: /createhouse (cost) (level) /createhouse 700000 5. All know 700 000$ and 5 max upgrade level. But i dont need have upgrade level. When create house i want /createhouse cost level ::: /createhouse 700000$ 5 levels = cost 700 000$ car slots 7 level 7 not UPGRADE MAX LEVEL 7 How?


Which house system are you using? o.0

Also, I don't know what you're saying. :/

U know PPC Trucking? Still in devolopmt he have houses with upgrade level (1 level = 1 car) How can i fix when createhouse dont upgrade it?

I don't know what it is, sorry but I think you need to check your script to make sure that all of the levels match up with the prices etc...

now who can help me?

I think you just want the prices changed for different levels, Right?

SImply go into the script and edit the values in the obvious spots that have the prices. You don't really need to be a scripting genious to make a small edit like that.

ok rep+ for help

It would be helpful if you showed us what you want to modify.

Yeah, I tried my best, but it's quite difficult to understand what it is that you're actually asking for. It might just be me, but I'd love for this issue to get fixed.

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