[Tutorial] Log

Log Tutorial

This is an easy Tutorial for you , teachs you how to create a log file !

I will now post the code then explane

pawn Код:
forward Log(logtype[],string[]);
public Log(logtype[],string[])
    new File: LogFile = fopen(logtype,io_append);
    new stringformat[256];
    return 1;
So , on the public , the logtype[] is a string ( parameter ) that will contain the name of the log .
What do I mean ? If I want to input the string into a log ( .txt ) file , that named "samp.txt",I will put "samp.txt"

new File: LogFile = fopen(logtype,io_append);
it means , that we create a new file variable named LogFile.
That variable will open the 'logtype' we entered , in append mode .
Append mode means it will add a string to the .txt file without deleteing the other strings.

new stringformat[256];
format(stringformat,sizeof(stringformat),"%s\r\n", string);

Creating a string named stringformat, that will hold the variable "string[]" that you created with the public .
format .......... we gonna input the "string[]" into the variable "stringformat" .... the "%s\r\n" means :
%s = string ,
\r\n = we gotta make a new line .
if we wont add this %s\r\n
it will just be in 1 line , example :
"tonny was kicked by andrey " and right after it "sasa was kicked by sarasr" so it will be
"tonny was kicked by andreysasa was kicked by sarasr"

Here we are the "stringformat" text to the file that the variable "LogFile" is holding .

Just like a door , when you open a file you need to close it right ?

return 1;

return a valid value ?

Now how do I use this ****?

Lets say you got the "kick" command

After I kicked the player and all thats , and used sendclientmessagetoall or whatever ..
I want to put the line into the log


lets say on the CMD kick I got the variable string[256];

now we gonna format the string
pawn Код:
new year, month,day;
getdate(year, month, day);//get the date
GetPlayerName(playerid,pName,sizeof(pName));//Get the player's name ( the kicker )
GetPlayername(playerid,kName,sizeof(kName));//Get the player's name ( the kickeD )
//Now that we got all the info
format(string,sizeof(string),"%d-%d-%d : %s was kicked by %s ",year,month,day,kName,pName);
Log("kick.txt",string); // we gotta input the string into the kick.txt file

Thats it with the tutroial ... now for the tip :

If you want to create the log file in another folder ( not in scriptfiles ) then do the next steps :
goto your scriptfiles folder
create any folder there and name it as you wish
create the kick file ( optional )

now when u use the log function it should be like that
so lets say you named your folder logsfolder and after it comes the /kick.txt

KK I hope I helped you ! ( BTW Im sorry for my bad english )


fix the word tutorial at this post :P

Nice tutorial man. How long you spent on making it ?

Originally Posted by Neonman
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fix the word tutorial at this post :P

Nice tutorial man. How long you spent on making it ?
and about 20 minutes .

Lol....anyway nice .... Can u plz tell how to make it as a filterscript.....so dat i can use it for ma server

Hope u will help...... Tnx

Lol....anyway nice .... Can u plz tell how to make it as a filterscript.....so dat i can use it for ma server

Hope u will help...... Tnx


what's that?

not working -_-
creates the kick.txt and nothing is empty
when i kick someone it actually makes empty lines ;d
will you fix this ? or should i report your topic ..

Just a note: Check if the file handle is valid before writing to/closing the file because if it's not, the server will crash.
pawn Код:
new File: LogFile = fopen(logtype,io_append);
if (LogFile)

A boolean being added as parameter whether to store date/time before writing the log text would make things much more easier.
(Yes, this is an old topic)

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