10.03.2012, 03:35
Hi, does anyone know how to by example when I'm doing /withdraw, the dialog appear but id like to have their balance into the dialog Your balance: %d somelike like that is it possible?
new pbalance[MAX_PLAYERS];//this is my var for player balance use your var in which you are saving player balance or what ever it is
new msg[64];//we will format it for our message + varaible in message
format(msg,sizeof(msg),"Your balance is : %d",pbalance[playerid]);// %d uses for integar variable and this will use value of pbalance[playerid] , just your varaible for balance here in place of pbalance[playerid]
//now time for dialog
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Bank Balnce",msg,"Okay","Close");// here msg is format we define above