Where should my server be hosted?

Im about to buy a gameserver from Volt Host, Its going to be a 20slot for a roleplay in fortcarson, should it be in:
(Us) Phoenix, AZ
(Us) New york
(Us) Chicago, IL
(Fr) Roubaix
Where would be the preferred host?

It should be closest to where most of your players might be... If you think most of the players are gonna be in the US, you should get one closest to all of them.

Yes i don't have a community yet, Thats why i'm asking you guys.

Well just picture where most of the players might come from. If I was you, I would make the server closest to me.

I live in australia, So thats not an option.

Okay than just choose any, easy as that. They all have the same specs...

U.S. locations seem to be better for me, especially because I live in the U.S. However, most SA-MP players are from the UK and places like the Netherlands. France locations are probably better for you.

Okay thanks

Yo guys im searching for admin i wanna help too with some one who needs more admin so plz tell i can be admin and i wanna just help in any server even if it's new server i help

Use France. Had my server and france and a lot of people were happy with the ping.

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