Gta IV vs new cpu


I playd GTA IV with my new PSU,GPU.. And it lagged alot

so what can be the wrong?? I watched on Can You RUN It | Can I run that game | Game system requirements

It said it whas mine cpu... It would run because I've watch a Pentium 3 on *******

that rund GTA IV.. ^^....... Or it will be to get a new cpu...

Are its hard to solder on a motherboard?... Because I have to soilder

because my motherboard can just take 89w (If I will update or have to) I think its fairly hard.. Or a company can do if needed...

Thanks alot!


I heard on that thread above some1 had 2core to and he playd BF3 with out lagg..

Edit2: I had on lowest settings (Gta).. Still lagg...

Of corse I will still play sa-mp .. xD

Get & apply the latest patch from here:

This should fix most graphics bugs & improve performance.
I used to play IV on a dual core PC, it lagged like shit until I applied the patch and it was fairly smooth. (Not so much though) And make sure there aren't any resource eating background apps running..


Maybe is something wrong with Game.

Don't ever trust on CanYouRunIt. More times than not it's inaccurate. Might try this instead:

Strange, my brother has the same specs as you do, but he can run GTA IV on medium at about 30-50 FPS.

Are you sure that 'Can you run it' works? I just tested my computer againt GTA IV on it and it said I failed however I can run any game you name

CYRI is wrong in a few ways.

1. It tells you if you can run the game, but not on the highest, medium, or lowest settings.

2. It adds the pagefile into the VGC memory, which thinks you got a mega card.

Okay, thanks for reply I will try that! ..

Your CPU is not that good for it.

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