Limit and above problem

Hi all.

I'm currently scripting my own TDM GM (I hope it's better than others), now I'm doing some limit for each teams. Each teams have the same limit.
Like, if the player has 1000 score and above, he/she'll get extra weapons on spawn. Now, the problem is, I want to script, if the player has 1000 score and above, he/she gets the extras. I tried to do something like this but I'm a bit confused now.If I only do 1000, I think it only sets on 1000, that's why I'm asking how to script this kind of stuffs.

pawn Код:
Now I need a help, what's the mistake and the solution.

Thanks for reading.

pawn Код:
if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) < 1000)
if this don't work then try this

pawn Код:
if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) > 1000)

pawn Код:
if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) >= 1000)

What if lower than the value, this... <= ?

Originally Posted by Huxley
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What if lower than the value, this... <= ?
Lower and equal.

pawn Код:
x >   1000 //- 1001, 1002....
x >= 1000 //- 1000, 1001, 1002...
x <   1000 //- 999,998...
x <= 1000 //- 1000, 999, 998....

Alright, thanks! Rep added.

Never mind, i know asking rep is bad. O_x is faster i will reply but he is really really faster than me

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