Textdraw help

Hi there, I am not very good at Textdraws and I find them quite confusing, I am working on a hunger system but I just can't find out how to make the textdraw update the hunger like every 2 minuts. I must use a timer then but how do I update it every 2 minuts to a new text?

And how do I find out the coordinates of a position? Like the right bottom of the screen, I want it to show "Food bar: %d" where %d is the amount of food the player has etc, I know how to make the food and stuff but the textdraws are just confusing me, could I get some help in that?

Thanks, Milan

instead of updating it use progress.inc(i forgot the creator)
It's like a progress bar and quite easy as it has a Progress Bar ingame creator with it

Use this: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=117851

thanks for the help, I now made it with letters and I found positions with some messing around

It works awesome by the way

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