RP entrance?

ehm, delete this pl0x

so how long "average" will you be making it on your own before you reach san andreas?

For the plane thing, you can do something like this:

*You are a passenger on a plane traveling to Liberty City*
*You hear shouting from the cockpit*
Man: لا يتأذى التحركات واحد واحد لا!
*The plane is hi-jacked*
Passenger 1: We have to do something!
Passenger 2: Let's roll!
*The passengers storm the cockpit*
*The plan succeeds, but the plane crashes into an open field; few passengers survive, you were one*

Then you can go from there.

I'd actually love to play this server. If you do create it and need a host, ask me.

You asked people not to leech/use your idea, problem is you posted your idea for the public. So now, people won't use your EXACT concept, but they will build off it. Thats why, many roleplay servers that have a nice cool features for awhile, and then all the sudden NG, has this really awesome feature like the other server you play on, but it has been revolutionized and built off of. When you share ideas, people will build off those ideas, and create their own unique things.

You are flying with a plane, then suddenly the plane starts to burn (create fire objects inside) and you need to jump out with a parachute, then create a point where the player has to land.

Originally Posted by Dripac
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You are flying with a plane, then suddenly the plane starts to burn (create fire objects inside) and you need to jump out with a parachute, then create a point where the player has to land.
Perhaps, he'll land on a lost/mysterious Island?
Get a good mapper, he'll make you an Island!

Hmm thanks for the replies.. I might make something on this..

^^ me2

Originally Posted by Satan-Roleplay
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^^ me2
Are you saying you'll steal his idea?

Snipa - You really shouldn't have posted this...

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