Agein Trucking payment !

OMG i createt 3 topics for need help Why dont help me Say me how can repair in my trucking server Payments of Trucker Courier Mafia Pilot Clases Please !

I take it your using PPC_Trucking server?

yea but upgrade to Name Indian:International trucking server! (PPC) Do u know how can repair
? i give u gamemode do u have skype ?

What are you trying to do exactly? How do you mean "Fix the Payments"?

No i want to upgrade it now giving low cash only 1-6k i want give 14-64k

In PowerPPC's gamemode (and the other upgrade gamemode you are working with), mission payment is based on the mileage given. In the include PPC_MissionsTrucker, there is this little code:
pawn Код:
// Pay the player based on the distance between the loading-point and unloading-point
RewardPlayer(playerid, Payment, 0);
Once a player finish a mission, this is called up. I'm sure there's a way to change the amount per distance, but I didn't find it.

Hope this helps!

Originally Posted by Avery
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In PowerPPC's gamemode (and the other upgrade gamemode you are working with), mission payment is based on the mileage given. In the include PPC_MissionsTrucker, there is this little code:
pawn Код:
// Pay the player based on the distance between the loading-point and unloading-point
RewardPlayer(playerid, Payment, 0);
Once a player finish a mission, this is called up. I'm sure there's a way to change the amount per distance, but I didn't find it.

Hope this helps!
The OP is clearly a moron so you have done nothing but confuse him, which I guess is good so no more PPC edit's go live. (High-five) (+rep)

ive changed those values but no luck so im stuck on how to get the payment up :S

Originally Posted by [LoF]Zak
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The OP is clearly a moron so you have done nothing but confuse him, which I guess is good so no more PPC edit's go live. (High-five) (+rep)
Dude, Hear who says? Ur just insulting and doing nothing yourself.

ON TOPIC: I think you should just CTRL + F and search for the word Reward

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